Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And THIS is why I love base housing...

My oven is broken and *poof* they magically bring me a new one! So far in the past 8 months of living here I have recieved a new garbage disposal, dishwasher and now the oven! I am so glad I don't own this house :)


Shea said...

Nice Stove! Now if only the cable fairy would leave a new box under your pillow, that would be perfect. :)

Cyndy said...

It is nice to make a phone call, and it is taken care of! Sometimes I feel like I'm always calling them. Envious at your gas stove!

MandySue said...

i got a new dishwasher a month or so back. It was about time. I had called them probably 15 times about it and finally they had replaced every possible part in the darn thing so they gave me a new one. My oven is acting up now. I think I'll have to give them a jingle.

Anonymous said...

Nice! It reminds me a little of my stove (new 1 year ago), but better... you have the fifth burner.

How are you feeling?