Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day One

JJ's first day went REALLY well! I am so excited that he is finally getting it :-) We only went through 5 pairs of underwear, but he told me when he had to go every single time. Oh, except for the one time he ran outside like the speed of lightening and peed on the concrete through the undies. I just laughed from where he couldn't see me because he was standing in such a funny stance. We went to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner with a diaper, but he told us when it got wet and needed a new diaper ASAP! I was so proud!


Cyndy said...

Good luck! I hope it doesn't take long. Summer with few clothes can be a great time to learn.

Shea said...

Good Luck! :) I hope JJ will get the hang of it soon. I LOVE not changing diapers any more!!! :)

Tanya said...

So it's been a week now, how are things going?