Monday, April 23, 2007

So after a very eventful(stressful) morning at Target, the pictures were taken. I didn't have them upload them online as it costs me money, so I took their pictures today at home for all to see!


BoxcatAV said...

Oh, Maddie looks adorable in the dress. I love it! I'm surprised it fits her now.

Have you put her in JJ's CMU stuff yet?

Ellen said...

I have to find the tshirt but i have the socks out...then i will put JJ's newer tshirt on and take their picture together!

MandySue said...

Super cute. Can't wait to see the others when you get them! She's so precious. I have to admit, I miss the itty bitty girly clothes.

FFFF said...

I take Ethan to Target for his and they always turn out great--when I mentioned to the photographer that jay was in Iraq the did the Smiles for Miles for me for FREE!

Beth said...

Ellen, she is so cute! And JJ is getting so big...what a handsome little man.