Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I am not sick, dying or dead! --Just my computer

I have wanted a few times to get on here and blog about something or another since I last posted, but you see we decided to install Norton 360 on this computer for virus and security protection. I knew it would slow the computer down a tad, but man I didn't expect it to be tis bad. On top of it all, the computer has a nasty virus I have been trying to fight for the past 3 days. How is it that I buy reputable virus software and I get a virus that I just can't seem to get rid of? I am thinking of returning this product and finding something else. Any suggestions would be a great help!

So what have I been up to, you ask? I ventured out to the squadron spouses' meeting on Sat. I have to admit I was a bit nervous on the drive over to the squadron. How were these women going to treat me? Were they going to be as hoighty toighty as the last bunch I tried to hang out with? Nonetheless, I brought my platter of pumpkin bread I had baked and marched up to the second floor of the building. What I had been hoping was true! They were friendly, talkative and a fun bunch! We made baby/toddler blankets for Project Linus. They donate baby/kid blankets to hospitals, women's shelters, etc for kids in need. It's a nice foundation.

I recently found a website (SAHM = stay at home mom) I was looking for a mom's group where I could meet new people. It is an interesting site. The moderator of the group I joined sets different fun things to do with the kids. We went to the Barnes and Noble story hour on Tuesday. It was fun minus the old lady who wasn't very kid friendly if you can believe that. The moms that came were really nice. One just lives down the road from me. And last night she scheduled a mom's night out at a mexican restaurant and then we splurged and found some ice cream.

The weather is finally cooling down a bit here and I am really enjoying it! On a different note, JJ has figured out that he "lubs" pop. We have gotten him to sit on the potty on several occasions without any luck yet. Maddie just baffles me everyday! She is so completely different than JJ. Two nights ago she pulled herself to standing in the tub and can now pull herslef to standing in her crib! She crawls all over and puts everything in her mouth.

I'll post pictures when I have more time. This computer issue is driving me insane!


MandySue said...

hehe, Mike just spent another hour on the phone with norton. This time they promised us our problem will not continue. I swear if it does I will be demanding my money back.

Anonymous said...

My computer is acting up too, and I also have norton.... I have to activate it whenever I log on, which is beyond annoying. Mike is a better person than I, cause I can't bring myself to call and talk around in circles with people from India!!!