Sunday, April 20, 2008

It REALLY is a Small World

It started last Saturday. The base held an indoor garage sale where I made some buko bucks! There was a nice woman who was repeatedly coming back to buy things from my table. No complaints from me! But she looked really familiar.
"Were you stationed at Grand Forks?" I asked her.
Hmmm. I know this face. I let it go.
Fast forward to yesterday. The base had an awesome Family Fun Day(I'll get to that in a minute). My husband insisted we stay for the free food even though it was making me late for a child's birthday party, where I would get free food. And good food at that.
That same woman walked by followed by her husband and a little boy.
"Beezer?" I asked him.
"Ellen?" Yup, that's me!
Well, his real name is Justin, but back in college(Grand Valley) I knew him as Beezer. That's right, people I knew from college are stationed right here. I knew I knew her face. I didn't know her well, but I did! I just can't get over how small this huge world can be some days!

At the Family Fun Festival JJ rode a pony, pet some sheep, baby ducks and a horse, drove a remote controlled car, ate ice cream, cookies, candy, cotton candy, hot dogs, chips, and then more cookies. Then we went to a birthday party where he ate more hot dog, cake and ice cream. And then he proceeded to cry the whole 25 min drive home because he didn't want to leave.

I do have a picture of JJ riding the pony on my cell, but that takes effort to get on my computer so when I get around to it, I'll share.


MandySue said...

oh my that is so funny.

I did see someone in GF from my high school back in gig harbor WA. Crazy. He was going to UND. So weird.

BoxcatAV said...

Wow! It sounds like JJ had a rockin' good time. Pony rides and hot dogs. Gotta love kid world!