Monday, February 20, 2006

At last...

So I have been a bad blogger these last few weeks. John, JJ, Cody, Libby and I traveled to Michigan for a couple of weeks. This might be John's last visit for quite some time. By this I mean that we will be moving to San Antonio for a year and driving all that way is just not doable with 2 dogs and a baby! So everyone needs to come visit us in the warm weather! And to see the Alamo! (That link was for you Anne :) )

I will be back in April! YAY!!!!

Check out JJ's new picture in the tub! He is such a ham. Also, you can see his first tooth! The second one came in last week Monday, but the picture was taken on Sunday, so you can't see it!


BoxcatAV said...

That is a GREAT link. They don't allow photography inside the Alamo...I'll have to take many pictures outside. They have a gift shop! I have no clue what the Alamo is really all about but can't wait to find out this fall.

BoxcatAV said...

Does he take bubble baths?