Sunday, January 06, 2008

Learning to Sew

While John's mom was here she taught me a few things I didn't know about my sewing machine. Well, really I learned more than just how to straight stitch! We went to the antique shop downtown and found some adorable dress patterns from the 40's and 50's and came up with this dress!


Bev said...

Super Cute Ellen! Well done!

MandySue said...

yippee. I love sewing but like you I haven't done a whole lot of stuff. Mike and I did sew quilts for the parents for x-mas this year. Yup, Mike sews, he's actually better than me :) I've done curtains, baby blankets, hemming (cause I am short)and some upholstery for our couches but haven't tried clothes yet...

Anonymous said...

Way cute!! She will be adorable in it!

My mom used to sew for my sister and I all the time when we were kids. It's such a labor of love.....great job!!