Thursday, January 17, 2008

Terrible Two's?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think JJ is just now hitting the terrible two stage. Every which way I turn he is either hitting, kicking, shoving, or laying on his sister or the dog. Mostly it is just Maddie he picks on but Cody does get in the way sometimes. And he plain just does not listen to anything I say anymore! I feel so mean putting him in time out, but it is the one thing that clicks in that inquisitive little brain!

On top of it all we have had colds so we have been hibernating for a week or so and I think he is just plain sick of being in the house! I got us out this morning for bible study and the nursery lady said he was a peach! Things have gotten better around here this week. Maddie's sleeping has improved tremendously from 1.5-2 hours(the last week or two) at a time to 3-4 hours. I have felt liking a walking zombie for two weeks now! My mom calls it chronic fatigue syndrome.

On a good note, JJ started a new Kindermusik class yesterday and absolutely loves it!!! Maddie is cruising on everything and has attempted to let go and stand by herself several times. I have been starting to sign to her a few different things and she imitates the "all done" sign when she is in the high chair. I can't believe how much she understands. Was I just completely out of it when JJ was this age? Or is it because this is baby number two and I am ahead of the game having done it once already? Regardless, it seems so much easier this time figuring out her sleep, eat, play schedule. Does this mean we are having another one? Nope! This baby machine is done!


Bev said...

Wow! What a feeling it must be to know you are "done"! :) One more and I'm there (shocking I know!) LOL

MandySue said...

oh wait, I thought the rumor was you already had a bun in the oven....hehehe j/k! I know, I find it easier the second time around too, but you have to remember that you were working the last time around and this time she's there all the time...for better or worse. Ashley picks on Ben too. Today we were at the commissary and I got them each a cracker from the bakery sample tray. She ate hers and then broke Ben's in half and said,"look, we're sharing"....not quite what I had in mind.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! This baby machine is done also. I completely understand being tired and not having a baby that sleeps. I have to wake McKenny up every 4 hours at night even if she is asleep. She did just like Porter and stopped breastfeeding at 4 months even though she was doing great at first.

Porter has started to rebel as a 2 year old some. but he is nice to his sister so far. He just likes to tell me no! And those 2nd babies seem to do things faster than the first. I've always said girls are smarter than boys.