Monday, February 11, 2008

At Least We Haven't Seen a Tornado...Yet

But we did have some inclimate weather last night around 2am. It woke the kids up. Since John is gone they climbed in bed with me. We laid there and listened to the sleet/freezing rain/hail pelt the house. Well, at least I laid there and listened to it for a while. It sounded like the hail was the size of an orange, but instead when I got out of bed this morning I found them to be the size of peas. At least there was no damage to the Tahoe which was sitting in the driveway.

1 comment:

MandySue said...

holy wow. hey the could have been bigger last night and then they melted to the size of peas! Anyway those are big enough to disrupt some sleep for sure! At least your kiddos went back to sleep!