Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Bug

So after so many half sleepless nights, I finally caught The Bug. Ya know, the one everyone else has been getting lately. I started feeling crappy last night and woke up today feeling even worse. John had to fly last night so he didn't get home until after midnight. I had to wake him this morning just to go to the store for some Thereflu, chicken noodle soup, Sprite, and my favorite chocolate milk. OK, that last one doesn't really make your ickies go away, but it tastes good and right now that is all that counts. In fact, I didn't even have to ask for the chocolate milk. He was sweet enough to know that I LOVE it! So now that he is off to work, I am stuck here with two kids and all I want to do is lay on the couch all day. Yuck.


BoxcatAV said...

Wish I could come take care of the kiddos for you!

Bev said...

aww! Poor Ellen! I hope you feel bettern super soon. I hate being sick- atleat the kids aren't sick too, though!

Anonymous said...

Get well quick Ellen...I am sorry you are feeling yucky..