Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update On Lil' Man J

At JJ's last gymnastics class a month ago, I met a fellow mother of a child with sensory issues. JJ is fairly mild, but to me it's not quite "normal." Meeting this woman at the Y had made up my mind to get him checked out again. I got the doc to refer us out to an occupational therapist for an evaluation.
He did do some OT when we lived in San Antonio, but they deemed him good when we left so I didn't continue when we got here.
Today was our evaluation. The therapist did her thing with him and I had to fill out a form as well. After scoring both by Thursday I'll hear back from her. But, from her evaluation today she can already tell that he has tracking problems with his eyes, which means he can't follow your finger with just his eyes. He moves his entire head. This is something a child learns to do at about a year. She wants to refer him to a specialist for it. She also mentioned he has a problem with his mid line. I'll get more info on that when I talk to her next.
The other thing she noticed about him, would be the lack of muscle tone in his hands and arms. So on Thursday, I should hear more!
This picture is of JJ last week on his way to AWANA. It was crazy hair night :)


BoxcatAV said...

First of all, I like the new design! Second of all, JJ goes to gymnastics?

Anonymous said...

Poor Kid... I'll keep him in my prayers. Maybe this has something to do with why he's on the late side for potty training!!

Cyndy said...

Good for you mama to notice and get him checked out! I hope you find a way to help him.