Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!

Well, we at least got the kids to say Trick or Treat and thank you. Maddie refused to leave the stroller. I think she was tired. Here are the kids with our neighbor friends. Nate is JJ's fave buddy and Maddie's too. She runs around the house saying "Nay, Nay, Nay!" when he is coming over.

Here they are eating all the goodies. JJ specifically told me at bedtime that I am too pick up all the candy he lined up on the floor, yes he lined it all up, and that I am not to eat any of it. How dare he? My belly is starting to hurt, maybe I should stop?


Shea said...

Mine didn't line their candy up, but they did sort it out into piles of each type. Then they trade what they don't like with eachother. I can totally see JJ lining it up though. You should have took pics of that and I should have took pics of the piles. :)

BoxcatAV said...

I'm surprised he didn't count it all before he went to bed and then count it to make sure you didn't eat it!