Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hopscotch 101

Yesterday I taught JJ how to play hopscotch. Well, at least jump on the squares numbered 1-10. Yes, JJ can count to 5 all by himself and to 10 with help! It is totally awesome. When Kristin was here, JJ was sitting on the couch and out of the blue said one, two, free, four, five! And then repeated himself without being prompted. Kris and I looked at each other like did he just do that??? So now it is a daily occurrence that JJ count to at least five. He can also point out the numbers when he sees them. But he confuses the 6 and 9. But, hey, at 2 years old who wouldn't???

Last night we moved the crib to our room and Maddie started sleeping there. We figured since the bedroom is so big it wouldn't be a big deal. I still need to find a bumper for her so she doesn't hit the wood.


MandySue said...

Ashley counts to 5 also but we haven't tried recognizing the numbers yet. I will have to try that.

Go JJ!

Anonymous said...

Looks like JJ is having fun with the hopscotch.... and could those pants be any bigger on him?!?!?!

BoxcatAV said...

Hopscotch is so fun!

Anonymous said...

I think JJ is a little smarty! Ben and Emily can only count to 3 so far and they are 3 years old. Don't feel bad about Maddie being in your room. I think Ben and Em were in our room for at least a year (in their crib). You are a great Mommy! Happy Mother's Day!