Tuesday, May 15, 2007

You've Got to Read This!

Yesterday afternoon JJ was watching his new favorite TV show, Blue's Clues, while I was on the phone. I noticed him getting REALLY close to the TV so I paid closer attention to what he was doing. Sorry I don't have a picture to prove what happened next. I laughed so hard I cried! JJ was licking the TV screen!!!! After I watched him do it again I realized I should watch what is actually on the TV and there is an ice cream cone that he is "licking." Mind you JJ doesn't like ice cream so I am trying to figure out what possessed him to do this. I guess kids do the darndest things!

Other than that we have been a pretty uneventful bunch. Just hanging out in the backyard with the kiddie pool, blowing bubbles and drawing on the patio with sidewalk chalk. JJ is down to just Thursday's for speech/occupational therapy now so we have extra time on our hands at home. The base pool opens up after Memorial Day so hopefully we can spend a day there when it opens up!


MandySue said...

whoohoo freetime, what's that? I thought I would have some when classes were out but nope. I seem to be just as busy but with other stuff....

Anonymous said...

That's SO funny!! I just noticed in the last blog that Maddie is totally satisfied with her pacifier... is she starting to get used to it?