Sunday, June 10, 2007

First steps in house selling...

Last weekend John contacted which is sponsored by the Department of Defense to help us find a realtor in our area to help us sell our house. We have hemmed and hawed over whether or not to rent the place out, but after seeing many a homes for rent for months at a time in the neighborhood we have decided to sell the house and not worry about trying to find renters all the time. So back to the AHRN, which actually referred us to the We get a consultant who directs us to two realty companies in town that have a good reputation and that other military members have used and liked. We interviewed one real estate consultant today, as he liked to call himself, and were very impressed. We have yet to hear from the other company, but should by tomorrow. I hope all of this rambling makes sense. In my own head it does, but if I didn't explain it well I apologize :)

On another note, I ran my first mile and a half in about two years tonight! It went pretty well, exept when Libby decided to do bathroom duty in front of someone's house and I forgot a baggie. The nice lady was kind enough to fetch one for me from her house. Oops! By the end of the run I was actually dragging the dogs behind me. This could be caused by the 85 degree heat and lots of humidity! Libby promptly jumped in the kiddie pool when we got home and probably drank half of it too.

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