Friday, October 19, 2007

It's Fall. I love it!!!

This is what happens when my child gets into the mascara. Mental note--put the mascara in the medicine cabinet and not the drawer! We don't need eyeballs poked out.
We made yummy caramel apples last night. JJ didn't understand why he couldn't eat all the upwrapped caramels before they melted!

This one's for you Susan! Maddie in Pink and Brown...

Here is my new toy. Well, at least my new exercise toy. The family room at the gym is not JJ friendly. John insists he'll be jogging with the kids too...


MandySue said...

Your stroller looks super nice. Does it fold up well? Our single jogging stroller is nice but man it is still huge when folded.

BoxcatAV said...

That is like the mother of all strollers. Wow!

They look so grown up! (the kids)

Anonymous said...

Goodness! You can tell how big Maddie is getting in this picture!

Anonymous said...

Love the pink and brown, and THAT is the MOAS (mother of all strollers lol)