Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes, that last post meant....

That baby number three is due to arrive sometime in September! Yes, it was a bit of a shocker, but in a super good kind of way of course:) God knows what I can handle and apparently he thinks we need another munchkin running around! How exciting!
So the nausea has set in already and I am feeling like doo doo in the mornings. But so far it isn't too bad.


MandySue said...

Yay, for Ellen!!! I am so excited for you! September, at least you spread this birthday out a bit...That will be nice.

skyesgirl2 said...

I AM SUPER excited for you! I will pray the sickness goes away, and you feel wonderful soon! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hey will be a busy mom! At least this baby will be born in a month other than April! When you have a change - please email your friend in the Detroit area either Christopher's name on Facebook or else his email address of You know how we mother's like to help. Hope all is well. Cathy

Shea said...

Hey Ellen, maybe God thinks you need a couple more munchkins running haven't had an ultrasound yet right? ;) I love ya! Hope you are feeling well. And, how did Maddie lock herself in the house? Did she lock the door when you were outside? Allison did that to me when she was little.